Music Photography and video with 21st Century ABBA is a delight. These are a must see Band with the offering of a spectacular show with all the hits from the great band. Playing across cities in Europe and the UK their performance is an incredible tribute to ABBA.
For an electrifying live performance from the ABBA Tribute Band that brings the music of ABBA to youngsters and adults alike! The Award-Winning Band Members (winning the Official UK No.1 Abba Tribute Band award from the Agents Association Ltd four years in a row) This is 21st Century ABBA
Professional Music Photography and Video Productions with Essay Photography
So what’s 21stCentury all about and what makes them Different from other Tribute band?
Play LIVE – we sing live and play our instruments
Are a BAND – the people you see on the posters are the people who will perform for you
LOOK LIKE ABBA – As a four, they are immediately recognisable as the fab four, even before they put their costumes on! In addition, our Agnetha was invited to audition as Agnetha both as her hologram for the eagerly awaited Abba tour and for a film being made by Abba’s production company.